Azienda Agricola Sentiero Azzurro
The Lands of heroic agriculture

The farm extends over a parceled area of about 3 hectares (8 acres), with a vertical drop ranging from a few tens of yards from sea level up to an altitude of 250 yards, divided into various terraces in the hamlet of Prevo, in the municipality of Vernazza.
Azienda Agricola Sentiero Azzurro
Azienda Agricola Sentiero Azzurro

The Lands

In yellow under acquisition

Light Green - Main Base & Farm Shop
Dark Green - Tanca Corbezzolina
Brown - Poggio Teresita
Dark Blue - Campu Giovannina
Red - Alexandra's Terraces

Prevo is a tiny hamlet of Vernazza right in the center of Cinque Terre National Park, along the Blue Path (Sentiero Azzurro)1,5 km away from Corniglia and 1,3 km from Vernazza. It is the highest and most impressive spot at 208 meters above sea level.

Prevo was built in the early sixteenth century thanks to some families of shepherds who arrived from the mountains inland to spend the winter with their flocks. They had estimated that the area was among the hottest in the Cinque Terre, so that the basin which descends from Prevo to the sea is called, even today, 'the hell'.

Farm Producing

oliveuva - grapesarance - orangesPesche - PeachesCorbezzolo - ArbutusLimoni - LemonMele Cotogne - QuincesKakiMandorle - AlmondsFichi - FigsFico dMore di Gelso - Mulberry BlackberriesAvocado -Melograno - PomegranadesNocciole - HazelnutsCiliegie - CherriesNoci - NutsNespole - MedlarsKumkuat - KumkuatsKiwiClementine - ClementinesMele - ApplesPere - PearsPompelmi - GrapefruitsBlueberrySusine - PlumsApricotFragole


Pomodori - TomatoesVerdure - VegetablesCetrioli - CucumbersOrtaggi - Vegetables

Herbs, Spices, Aromatic Plants

Timo - TymeRosmarino - RosemarySalvia - SaugePepe rosa - Pink PepperPrezzemolo - PresleyBasilico - BasilAlloro - Laurel


Preboggion is a set of wild herbs whose collection has always been carried out throughout Liguria, acquiring different denominations from area to area.

This mix of herbs is simply boiled and seasoned with oil and lemon to accompany delicious corn-based focaccette; or it is used for the filling of the most famous pansòti. Excellent for digestion.